Why sustainable packaging is so important for businesses
Published on Oct 9, 2019
Kiwis have always been self-starters.
Massive volumes of water have meant we’ve ‘made do’ and thought of new ways to solve problems. We’re not big on injustice either (think Kate Sheppard and nuclear test banning) so if it’s not in the best interests of our people or country, we have something to say about it.
Now, at a time when the planet is in a very bad way, sustainability is not only good for business, its essential.
Customers expect it
Today’s customer is not only looking for eco-products they’re looking for eco-shame as well. Businesses without a social or environmental conscious show laziness and lack of care on their part and this shows in their profits.
Sustainability has become mainstream and with the level of quality and innovation of products now available businesses are changing their packaging, suppliers and branding tactics to move with the times.
Everyone wins
The more people who choose to buy sustainable products the more those products become affordable. It’s a simple case of supply and demand.
Eco.logic was the first guest hair & body care range to be certified Fairtrade, and also the first to package their products in bottles made from 100% post-consumer recycled plastic. Six eco.logic bottles are made from a 2 litre Anchor Light Proof™ milk bottle, and it’s relatable stories like this which customers love and respect.
Consumer influence is a strong driving factor in business
People have changed the way they shop and make no mistake, it’s easy to find your competitors in seconds with Google if your business isn’t playing its sustainable part.
The Zero Carbon Christchurch Conference in October 2019 pinpointed the following*:
- 40% of NZers rate themselves as highly committed to living a more sustainable lifestyle.
- 90% would stop buying if heard “about a company being irresponsible or unethical” – this is already extending to climate responsibility and will increase.
- 83% think the way businesses talk about their social & environmental commitments is confusing.
Walking the talk
For years, HealthPak has been at the forefront of developing environmentally friendly guest hair & body care products. We developed the first soap recycling program in the southern hemisphere and all our rinse off liquids have been made at our biodegradable base for the past 15 years.
We also invented the Goodie Bag to encourage guests to take their partially used bottles and tubes home, finish them and then recycle them.
Final word
Consumers want to see their values mirrored in the businesses they deal with. What’s more, when you do the right thing you feel pretty good about yourself, right?
*info from goodsense.co.nz
Find out how HealthPak can work alongside your business to develop new bespoke ranges or for details on our current range of guest amenities, call us on +64 9 579 6268, email us at info@healthpak.co.nz or contact us via the website.